ideas from the lse community.

broadcasting from lse since 1999.

Pulse Podcasts are back! Join us for discussions, debates and more across a range of topics from our community and beyond.

The Podcasts.

Disruptive Dialogues

Disruptive Dialogues is an initiative by the LSE Social Policy Department aimed at questioning established narratives. Is there an objective truth? Are there definitive answers to the civilizational problems we face today? This podcast series, hosted by Social Policy undergraduate student Karthick Harish, will seek answers to these questions. Join him as he engages leading practitioners in a range of disciplines across Politics, Economics, Policy, and Development studies in this pursuit of knowledge, answers, and truth.

World conversations

World Conversations is the official podcast of the LSESU United Nations Society. On a bi-weekly basis, we will be providing you with the truth and the facts about pivotal topics in global affairs. We will be inviting several speakers, from research analysts to field experts to diplomats, all to provide the real stories from the ground. Fake news is spreading misinformation at a rate that we cannot comprehend; this is our opportunity to show the reality and the truth behind news. Created by Navin Vithana - President of the LSESU United Nations Society 2022/23.

From the field

Following global stories of development practitioners working in the field, this series focuses on a different country and thematic area in each episode. Gathering various narratives to paint a contextualized image of the story from the field.



Description of really interesting podcast we managed to record.