Running a radio station with Frederick Sugden of Threads
An interview with Frederick Sugden, founder of Threads Radio

Women Sing the Blues
From our own (musical) correspondent: the first in a series of muscial reviews from hot spaces across London

How Burial’s recent EP helped me connect to my grief


Global fusion sounds: the argonaut

what to expect from the radar

Album review:Lous and the Yakuza - Gore (2020)

Obituary: Daniel Dumile. ‘showing up to class with moet in the flask’
The Radar is a music journalism blog headed by PuLSE Radio. It features reviews, opinion pieces, interviews, and general culture journalism in various media formats.
You’ll find talk about albums, shows, podcasts, musicians, as well as art and other cultural happenings.
We understand “anything music-related” may be a bit broad, so here are just a few prompts the team can think of…
Who is your favourite DJ/artist/band, and why?
What’s your favourite genre, and why?
What’s your favourite album cover? (Extra points for trying to recreate it)
What music got you through lockdown?
What music gets you through deadlines?
If you could embody a band/genre, what would it be and why?
What do you listen to when you study?
What’s the best show/gig you’ve ever been to?
Desert Island Discs: Top Three Albums?
We are always more than happy to receive your contributions, whether they are one-off or regular, written or drawn, anonymous or… well, not! Whether you’re passionate about music journalism or just fancy talking a bit about your favourite song, The Radar will welcome your contribution with open arms.
You can message The Radar’s manager - Stella Bongiorno - or message Pulse Radio. You can also use the ‘GET IN TOUCH’ button below and we’ll get back to you ASAP .
The Radar team are always looking for more contributors. Get in touch if you want to get involved with the music-loving fun. Big love x